2021 Content Highlights

The content that our customers created in 2021 was innovative, and often times trend-setting, across social platforms. From content using asset duration for new platforms to powerful sponsorship activation to dynamic GIFs and animated filters, we were truly in awe of what was produced.


Check out just some of the stellar content from 2021:

Multi-Image Layouts




Animated Filters


Asset Duration


Sponsored Content


Strong CTAs


Red Carpet


Match-Up Graphics




Big Moments


Pregame Looks


Warm Ups


Themed Games


Throwback Content


Driving Sales


Audience Engagement


User-Generated Content

Create Scroll-Stopping Content

Slate’s editing experience is fast, lightweight and powerful.

Create Scroll-Stopping Content

Slate’s editing experience is fast, lightweight and powerful.

Create Scroll-Stopping Content

Slate’s editing experience is fast, lightweight and powerful.