August 27, 2024
Web Editor
Undo comes to Web

You're probably thinking "C'mon Slate, undo is *barely* a feature." But you'd be suprised just how convincing we can be through the use of graphics and clever word-play. Discover the magic that is Undo™ When you make a mistake or change your mind about a design decision, hit Ctrl+Z / Cmd+Z and revert to your previous edit. That's right, unlike life and fashion in the 80's, in Slate no mistake is irreversible; no error of judgement, irredemable. Just Ctrl+Z to go back in time and fix any mistake. Just one step back? No. Five? You're lowballing. Undo in Slate is Limitless, theoretically speaking. Now to the not so good news. There are many hundreds of potentially undoable things in Slate, so if you may notice something is not, uh, "undoing" – let us know and we'll be sure to add it.
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